Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sleeping On The Tummy

I know that every kid eventually figures out that they can sleep on their tummy and ignore the fact that their parents put them on thier back... But I have been able to keep Cameron on his back or side up until tonight. I know it might sound horrible that I have been doing this until he is 8 months, but I still swaddle him at night. By keeping him swaddled it impaired his rolling over and he slept on his back. Lately he had been breaking out of the swaddle and rolling to his side in his sleep but the sleep positioner has kept him from rolling all the way over. Tonight I went in to check on him and he is flipped around in his crib (Head were his feet should be) and on his stomach. I feel SO nervous with his on his tummy so I put him back on his back and instantly he rolled back to his stomach. I guess the swaddling days are over:( And I suppose I will have to get used to him sleeping on his tummy. I hate that he is growing up so fast, not swaddling anymore makes me feel like he is not that little tiny baby I brought home from the hospital. Its ironic that I wanted him to roll over so bad and now that he does its making me worry about more. Anyway, I have a feeling that I am going to be in his room a lot more than normal all night tonight checking on him and making sure he is breathing ok. Especially because I cant keep his head turned to the side, he keeps burrying it in his hands face down.


RaLene said...

When I had my first child, Amanda, who is now 20, they told me to put her on her tummy so that if she threw up in the night it would come out and she wouldn't gag on it. This was one of the theories of SIDS. Ten years later when I had twins and then another, they told me to put them on their backs. My children always slept on their tummys in the "fetal" position. They were all fine. I am not sure there is much you can do about SIDS, except one thing, homes where there is a smoker has a much higher rate of a baby dying from SIDS than any other one factor. I know I can't tell you not to worry, but I think you should be sleeping through the night and not worrying. Being a mom is always worrisome anyway.

Lance and Megan Jacobsen said...

I know exactly how you feel. When Kaylee started sleeping on her tummy, i was so nervous. But after a few weeks i realized she would be just fine. If she got onto her tummmy then she could definitely get back if she needed to, or if she couldnt for some reason she would cry and i would wake up. I also know that once you put them on their back to sleep and they roll over onto their stomachs the chance of SIDS is like next to none. So dont worry (easier said then done i know)