Saturday, December 6, 2008


We had a really fun Thanksgiving this year. My Aunt Jenny came up from Utah to visit and she hasnt seen Cameron since he was 3 weeks old. It was fun for him to get to spend some time with her since he doesnt see her much. My parents and brother came over along with Jenny for Thanksgiving dinner at my house. We spent most the morning cooking and preparing for dinner. But we didnt forget to enjoy our ever famous meat and cheese platter we do every year. I sure love cheese! Our cheesecake had it rough... we made a pumpkin cheesecake and we mixed the pumpkin in with the wrong half of the cheesecake filling and it looked a little funny in the pan, then it fell out of the fridge and got a little dinged up. But in the end it was delicious! Cameron really enjoyed his Turkey and Sweet Potato baby food and he gummed on a roll for a few minutes too. After dinner we had to let our food settle and Jenny had never seen Monty Python so we watched it. Sadly my family knows almost the whole movie by heart. Then we enjoyed our fabulous pumpkin cheesecake and cranberry apple pie, yum!
While Jenny was here my Mom, Jenny and I went to get pedicures, hallelujah! I needed one! Then we went out to lunch to one of my favorite places on Alki Beach in Seattle. Cameron tagged along for the ride. We had fun playing with him and watching him laugh and babble. (Isnt his had adorable!) Then Jenny and I went to the Super Mall and we got Cameron a cute Christmas outfit and Gymboree. I had a lot of fun having Jenny here and getting to spend Thanksgiving with my family:)

1 comment:

Kaye and Mike said...

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thanks for hosting it at your house!