Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sick Boy

Cameron has caught his first cold and he is miserable! He has a very runny, stuffy nose and wakes up with crusties all over his nose. And he has this sad cough and it wakes him up everytime he coughs, so he cant even sleep very well unless I am holding him. I took him to the doctor but there is nothing they can give a baby for a cold. I wish they could at least do something! They weighed and measured him, he is exactly 20lbs and 27" now. I sure hope he starts feeling better soon, I feel so bad for him. The fun part is that he is super snuggly:)


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear that. It is the season and my son just got sick after I thought he was done being sick for the past three weeks. It's so hard to see them struggle to breath and they can hardly eat because of the stuffy nose. I hate it and I wish that there was a magic medicine to give them. I highly suggest a humidifier at night and I have heard that if you rub vics vapor rub on their feet it helps,I have not done that so you might want to look into it but its what I've heard. I hope your little guy gets better. Best of Luck!

Kaye and Mike said...

I thought he sounded pretty congested when I had him on Saturday. I'm so sorry to hear he is sick. I wish I could kiss his little cheeks!

Amy said...

Poor thing! The worst thing is a sick baby! I do have a suggestion to use with a humidifier and vicks vapor rub. Get "Little Colds" nose drops. I get mine at Walmart. It's just a saline drop but safe to use on babies. I've used it with Elizabeth. It helps thin the mucus so you can suction it out easier. And the best thing, you can use it as often or as little as you need to. I hope he feels better!