Monday, March 9, 2009

Watching Snow and DVD Messes

This morning when we woke up it was snowing! A little late for us to be getting snow, what happened to springtime coming our way!? Anyway, Cameron was so fascinated by the flakes falling. He kept crawling over to the door and standing up looking outside. He did this all morning until it stopped. I will say, they were some pretty big flakes at times! And of course, in try Seattle fashion, its sunny out now and all the snow is gone. This is Camerons new favorite game... not mine to say the least. He loves to pull all the DVDs down and throw them around. Then when he gets bored with them I get to put them all back. What a silly boy, always making messes for me to pick up. Im thinking its about time to find a new place for the DVDs.


Richard and Diane said...

I can't believe you guys are getting snow. It's snowing here right now but that's not really a surprise. Brooklyn was the same way with the dvds. We ended up hiding them in our closet, I got so tired of picking them up after her.

Anonymous said...

I have to admit Cameron looked like he was enjoying himself with the DVD's. I saw a little smile on his face.

Hmm ... he reminds me of another child I knew 22 years ago!

I can't wait to see you all again!