Cameron has been having really runny bowel movements for the last week but I just attributed it to teething or the fact that we changed formulas. But, last night came the fun... He woke up around 4am throwing up and I went in to check on him since I heard weird noises and sure enough, he had thrown up all over inside his crib. I brought him in our room to sleep with me and he kept waking up dry heaving and throwing up stomach bial. Yesterday he had 3 blowout diapers and I thought that was bad, today he has had about 5 or so and about the same number or more of diapers that could have easily been blowouts but werent. I feel so bad for him.
To top it all off, I have it too. I felt a little woosy this morning but I firgured it was because of the smell of his throw up. Then as the morning went on I started feeling horrible. I just took my temperature again and I have a fever of 101.5, I keep going back and forth between hot and cold. Not to mention my really bad body aches and Im really weak because I havent been able to eat anything today. I was having a really hard time with Cameron because he started feeling better this afternoon after Bret left for work, I could hardly carry him I was so weak and I couldnt keep up with him. Bret, being the great husband he is, came home from work to take care of us, thank goodness! He is so sweet, he told me that he wishes he could take away my sickness and Camerons and have it himself for us. What a good husband. Although it was really nice because this morning Cameron, Bret and I slept in until noon since we didnt feel good and Bret was tired from getting home from work at 3am.
I feel so bad for my little guy, he has had the flu twice now and a cold I dont know how many times. He is such a trooper. Last time he had the flu we ended up in the ER because he wouldnt take anything down and he got dehydrated. This time luckily he is drinking the Pedialyte. We have his 9 month pictures in the afternoon tomorrow, so I hope we are all feeling better before then!