Monday, September 8, 2008

A Walk Along the River

Along the backside of our development there is a River. Bret and I used to go walk along it every Sunday evening before we had Cameron. I decided it would be a fun adventure to take him for a walk back there and it would be a learning experience to get to see all the trees and the river. He was mesmerized by the trees! He wouldnt stop looking at them. He is also at a stage where anything near his mouth means he needs to eat/suck/lick it so he just kept sucking on the carrier. When we got home the carrier was soaked and so was his shirt! Its fishing season so there were a ton of fisherman along the river. We couldnt find a spot that wasnt too steep to walk down to the river with Cameron, but I would have loved to have taken him down there so he could watch them fish and see the actual river up close. Im so glad we have this beautiful river so close, basically in our backyard!

1 comment:

Kaye and Mike said...

It looks like you had a wonderful time. He is so funny wanting to put everything in his mouth. Love the photos and I can't wait to kiss his little cheeks again!