Thursday, October 7, 2010

4 Months

Connor turned 4 months old on the 2nd and I cant even believe it! I feel like he was just born and here he is only 2 months away from being halfway to 1! Time is going way to quickly. He is such a good little boy. He sleeps through the night and has since he was 8 weeks old. He has a really calm easy going personality. Every now and then he has a fussy day but overall he is really good. We lost the sleeping through church a few weeks ago, bummer. Cameron and Connor are starting to play a little bit together. Cameron loves to show Connor his toys and explain them to him. Its so cute. He will give Connor cars to hold and then he tells him all about the car.

Connor had his 4 month check up the other day. He is a growing boy that is for sure! He now weighs 14lbs 15oz, so almost 15lbs! And he is 24.75" long, almost 25". He is 50th percentile across the board. Funny because Cameron at this age was almost 20lbs!

Four things I LOVE about Connor:

1. His big smile. He has the most heart melting grin in the world. Its a huge open mouth grin that makes you smile yourself.

2. His giggle/squeal. I love it! I think its the best sound in the world. He is so ticklish so I spend a lot of time tickling and playing with him so I can hear it!

3. His calm disposition. He is so easy going. He pretty much will go to anybody, sit in anything (bumbo, bouncer, etc.), laugh at any and everything and just plain is a happy baby.

4. This one might sound corny or cheesy but I love that he is mine. I love that little boy so much. He makes me smile every day and brings so much happiness and joy to my life and our home as a family. I am so thankful to have been blessed with him in our lives.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

He is such a sweetie! I enjoyed seeing him at the funeral!